• +36 30 981 9412
  • info @ lythos.hu
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 Innovation with passion

 Our company provides solution wheter in need for industrial quality related support or a modular software solution.

Where are we located?

Our basis and HQ is located in the city of Keszthely, Hungary.

  • Where can we meet?

    As this kind of support activity requires personal attendance in many cases, we perform our jobs mainly on the sites of our partners.

  • What area we cover?

    This kind of job has no boundaries. Although the main activities are located in Hungary the whole EU is adressed.

What we offer

Our range of solutions
Roland Földes
Managing director, consulting engineer
As the founder and maintainer of Lythos Team Ltd. my main task is to bring solution to people being in need for support. I am passionate about my job as always was, and it is related to quality in many aspects. I try to solve problems smoothly by knowing that both parties (customer and supplier) could gain more benefit even from an issue. That's the natural way of improvement. And so do I in my private life. I try to seek the bright side of things and being always glad if I can make good things happen. I'm determined and I never give up until the task is done. People often ask for my advice for they know that I'll use my experience to give support or lend a hand and find a common solution. I hope we can work together soon...